💥New SLP Video for May 4th 2023 Big Day of Giving Fundraising!💥
Latest Blog Post:"Hitching a Ride with a Softshell" 4/24/23
Latest Blog Post:"Hitching a Ride with a Softshell" 4/24/23
Stay tuned for future event announcements! No FORB events are currently scheduled. Volunteer program organizers welcome.
Regular volunteer native plant maintenance and cleanup work parties are ongoing. Please RSVP to Betsy Weiland at [email protected].
FORB also participates in various citizen science nature activities such as the Great Backyard Bird Count, Annual ARNHA Wildlife Count and more. Contact us if you are interested or watch for announcements of future events.
💧FORB Hosted "Let's Go With The Flow, Flows on the Lower American River" 10/23 10 AM @ SLP
On October 23rd at 10 AM at our regular meeting up site at the edge of the Skateboard Building parking lot. Local expert, Cathy Kemp with US Geo Survey, provided a program specific to the American River, in particular to describing the flows at Sutter's Landing Park that are affected daily by tidal action - this included the impacts from Folsom Dam on the American River flows.
Friends of Sutter's Landing's education committee, Friends of the Riverbanks has hosted monthly nature programs at SLP for the past 15 years, We suspended these programs due to COVID-19. Our hope is to begin new programs again on a limited attendance basis, following COVID-19 rules. New programs will be announced here as well as on the Friends of Sutters Landing website and other social media. If you decide to attend, please follow appropriate COVID protection including masks, social distancing etc.
Past Updates and other information
💥🚮 Summer long Saturday work party cleanup events have been underway for 2021 since Memorial Day. Contact Betsy Weiland, volunteer coordinator, at [email protected] to sign up for future cleanup events.
💥🚮 The next "Park Beautification" will be held on Saturday October 30th at 8 AM. We will continue to work in the Corps Yard, and pick up the litter that seems to accumulate as quickly as we remove it. We will start at our usual time, 8:00 a.m. The beach is still busy with all of this nice weather and we can't slack off quite yet. If you haven't had a chance to join a beautification day yet, now would be a good time to come to the River. Fall colors are appearing and its a glorious sight. Mark Baker will lead another work party across the river at Woodlake (see FOSL blog post for details.)
FORB's 2021 Annual New Years gathering at Sutter’s Landing was cancelled due to COVID-19 (please follow all health and safety guidance. FORB events will return when it is safe to gather. Also, remember to always "Recreate Responsibly". Increased Illegal off-pavement bike riding at SLP is causing erosion, wildlife disturbance and habitat loss.
💥Great new wildlife sightings are coming in this spring and unfortunately many new fires damaging important habitat. Check our blog page for more details and get outdoors safely and enjoy wildlife around Sacramento's gateway to nature along the American River Parkway. Let us know what you see!
💥There are ongoing and upcoming outdoor related activities around the area, FORB will add to the 2021 Calendar as possible.
💥Great news! The Wildlife Conservation Board approved funding of acquisition of several parcels from Blue Diamond that will be added to Sutter's Landing Park on February 25th 2021. The City of Sacramento approved acquisition of Blue Diamond properties as an addition to Sutter's Landing Park on January 19th, 2021. (see FOSL blog post for more information)
💥Friends of Sutter's Landing Park (FOSL) held their fist volunteer work party in 2021 at the Sutter’s Landing Restoration site on Saturday, January 23rd. 9:00am to 11:30. Milk Thistle had sprouted! “The best time to pull a weed is NOW.”So that’s what we did. The group walked through the Restoration Site and selectively cut them. (Identification information will be provided). Please let Tom know if you interested in going a future work party. We also have buckets and trash pickers if that is more to your liking.
Looking forward to seeing all who can make it next time.
Thank you. Tom ([email protected])
Regular volunteer native plant maintenance and cleanup work parties are ongoing. Please RSVP to Betsy Weiland at [email protected].
FORB also participates in various citizen science nature activities such as the Great Backyard Bird Count, Annual ARNHA Wildlife Count and more. Contact us if you are interested or watch for announcements of future events.
💧FORB Hosted "Let's Go With The Flow, Flows on the Lower American River" 10/23 10 AM @ SLP
On October 23rd at 10 AM at our regular meeting up site at the edge of the Skateboard Building parking lot. Local expert, Cathy Kemp with US Geo Survey, provided a program specific to the American River, in particular to describing the flows at Sutter's Landing Park that are affected daily by tidal action - this included the impacts from Folsom Dam on the American River flows.
Friends of Sutter's Landing's education committee, Friends of the Riverbanks has hosted monthly nature programs at SLP for the past 15 years, We suspended these programs due to COVID-19. Our hope is to begin new programs again on a limited attendance basis, following COVID-19 rules. New programs will be announced here as well as on the Friends of Sutters Landing website and other social media. If you decide to attend, please follow appropriate COVID protection including masks, social distancing etc.
Past Updates and other information
💥🚮 Summer long Saturday work party cleanup events have been underway for 2021 since Memorial Day. Contact Betsy Weiland, volunteer coordinator, at [email protected] to sign up for future cleanup events.
💥🚮 The next "Park Beautification" will be held on Saturday October 30th at 8 AM. We will continue to work in the Corps Yard, and pick up the litter that seems to accumulate as quickly as we remove it. We will start at our usual time, 8:00 a.m. The beach is still busy with all of this nice weather and we can't slack off quite yet. If you haven't had a chance to join a beautification day yet, now would be a good time to come to the River. Fall colors are appearing and its a glorious sight. Mark Baker will lead another work party across the river at Woodlake (see FOSL blog post for details.)
FORB's 2021 Annual New Years gathering at Sutter’s Landing was cancelled due to COVID-19 (please follow all health and safety guidance. FORB events will return when it is safe to gather. Also, remember to always "Recreate Responsibly". Increased Illegal off-pavement bike riding at SLP is causing erosion, wildlife disturbance and habitat loss.
💥Great new wildlife sightings are coming in this spring and unfortunately many new fires damaging important habitat. Check our blog page for more details and get outdoors safely and enjoy wildlife around Sacramento's gateway to nature along the American River Parkway. Let us know what you see!
💥There are ongoing and upcoming outdoor related activities around the area, FORB will add to the 2021 Calendar as possible.
💥Great news! The Wildlife Conservation Board approved funding of acquisition of several parcels from Blue Diamond that will be added to Sutter's Landing Park on February 25th 2021. The City of Sacramento approved acquisition of Blue Diamond properties as an addition to Sutter's Landing Park on January 19th, 2021. (see FOSL blog post for more information)
💥Friends of Sutter's Landing Park (FOSL) held their fist volunteer work party in 2021 at the Sutter’s Landing Restoration site on Saturday, January 23rd. 9:00am to 11:30. Milk Thistle had sprouted! “The best time to pull a weed is NOW.”So that’s what we did. The group walked through the Restoration Site and selectively cut them. (Identification information will be provided). Please let Tom know if you interested in going a future work party. We also have buckets and trash pickers if that is more to your liking.
Looking forward to seeing all who can make it next time.
Thank you. Tom ([email protected])
💥(cancelled) FORB Welcomes back Swainson's hawks April 11th 2020! (check out raptor cams here)
Raptor Center raptors always put on a show at this event, wild ones often do too
Call us crazy, but we’ve been meeting at Sutter’s Landing at 9 am on Jan 1 for at least 14 years and it’s always a great adventure. The photo at the top of this page is from the 2020 event. Always an adventure to get up early on that morning, bundle up for the cold, meet up at Sutter’s Landing for hot drinks and oatmeal (a very old joke), and go down to see what is happening at the river. There was the year that a coyote curled up down below and watched us for 20 minutes. There was another year when we saw a beaver, otter, and sea lion all in one day. In 2019 a majestic Bald eagle soared right over our group and previewed what 2019 will bring (read about the outing on our blog)! Those that came out enjoyed another great outing. Sometimes we see very little and other times the river is bursting with life. As always, we met at 9 am at the Sutter’s Landing parking lot at the very end of 28th St. We hung out for a while to visit and eat/drink, then headed down to the river. Binoculars, warm clothes, and your own mug for coffee, tea, or hot chocolate (we want to minimize waste). No need to bring a bowl for the oatmeal...😃
💥The 2021 FORB calendar will be updated here and on the Calendar page when group activities are safe.
🦢"Bufferlands --Highlights of Spring Migration", another virtual presentation. May 4th 6-7 PM. The Bufferlands is home to more than 240 species of birds. Contact Roger Jones, [email protected], for details.
🔍Nature is calling all California Families: CDFW Announce Nature Bowl 2021
🏞Consider some of these Family Fun Outdoor Challenge activities for March from Sac County Regional Parks.
🦉23rd Annual Great Backyard Bird Count begins Friday 14th through Monday February 17th. Fun, free way to tally birds in community and share data for conservation.
🦅Join naturalist Guy Galante, "Roots of Connection", for Second Sunday events. Physical distancing and safety measures required. Contact Guy for details.
FOSL held a volunteer work morning at the Sutter’s Landing Restoration site on Saturday, January 23rd. 9:00am to 11:30. More work parties soon,Tom ([email protected])
2020 Calendar
☕️January 1: New Year’s Day Gathering ✔️
🍄: (cancelled) February 8th Mushroom Hunt with Ryan LaPorte
🦉Feb 14-17 Join in the Great Backyard Bird Count at Sutter's Landing Park or Home!
🐾 (postponed) March 14: 10 AM Coexisting with Coyotes and Guy Galante
🦅(cancelled) April 11: Return of Swainson’s Hawks (check out raptor cams here)
🦇May 9: Bats (cancelled)
NOTE: Due to COVID-19 our remaining schedule may need to be cancelled or moved to another format.
💥 🐾 June 18 6:30 PM: FORB virtual "Coexisting with Coyotes" Zoom event led by Guy Galante. Blog post/video
🚮 July 3rd and 4th FORB/FOSL Trash Cleanup (see blog post for details)
🦋July 11: Bugs (cancelled)
🦝August 8: Beavers (cancelled)
🚮 Labor Day Weekend Clean up Sept. 4th, 5th and 6th
Contact Betsy Weiland at [email protected] to sign up
🐉September 12: Dragons & Damsels (cancelled)
🐟October 10: Welcome Back Salmon (cancelled)
🌊November 14: Sea Lions (tentative)(cancelled)
🐾December: ARNHA Wildlife Count (Several Team Otter members independently conducted a wildlife count at SLP)
It's been a tough year for outdoor FORB events at Sutter's Landing Park but we did host a virtual event "Coyote" zoom event with Guy Galante. We were extremely excited that Guy Galante, coyote whisperer and scholar, shared his knowledge of these magnificent creatures. Guy has been studying coyotes for years, including their interactions in urban and wild settings and their importance to native California cultures. He can answer all of your questions and concerns. Meanwhile, take a look at this recent article on "Coyote Guy" for more details.
Recent coyote sightings in the neighborhood have raised some alarm. What does it take to coexist with coyotes and what should we do to minimize conflicts with these fascinating animals, who have been in our area far longer than we have? There are answers to these questions.
Meanwhile, want to get a better look at wildlife sightings at Sutter's Landing Park? Check out this frequently updated webpage on iNaturalist. iNaturalist is a great tool for recording and getting help identifying what you see outdoors. Check it out!
FORB welcomed back Swainson’s Hawks again in 2020…well sort of...!!!
On Saturday, April 11th, at 10 am, FORB planned to again Welcome Back the Swainson's Hawks to Sutter’s Landing. Unfortunately, this very popular annual event was cancelled due to COVID-19 but will be held again when possible. Meanwhile, Swainson's hawks are back from migration and again nesting and foraging in the general area. When the event can be held again there will be live birds from the Raptor Center, information tables from Save the American River Association (SARA) and Audubon, and refreshments. Robert will lead a walk along the river, where we never know what we will see: raptors and other birds, mammals, reptiles, ???. Be sure to come and learn about Swainson’s Hawks and other raptors, then go say hello to all the other wildlife at Sutter's Landing.
More great events are coming in 2021 when it is safe again to gather. Check the FORB calendar regularly and mark your calendars! Read about our previous great events on the FORB blog page.
💥URGENT! Support Expanding Sutter's Landing Park
The City of Sacramento applied for Prop 68 funds to expand and enhance Sutter's Landing Park along the American River Parkway through the Lower American River Conservancy. The LARC technical advisory committee reviewed applications received and recommended some for funding including at least one project to expand Sutter's Landing Park. Show support and/or speak in support of this much needed funding. A model letter is available here but feel free to modify as appropriate. Continue to support these important proposals as they go through the Conservancy selection process in 2020.
Friends of the River Banks (FORB) is a local all-volunteer group that formed to share our appreciation of our neighborhood stretch of the American River Parkway--Sutter's Landing Park--with others, especially young children and their families. We do this through regular events that encourage the public to come out, experience the river, and value the natural ecosystem. These wonderfully enriching activities provide family time, healthy exercise, play, education, social networking, nature experiences, and lots of fun. FORB is associated with the nonprofit organization Friends of Sutter's Landing Park.
Our gatherings are very casual. We usually have a leader--a local expert who will teach us about some aspect of nature--but the activities always take unexpected turns. We never know what we will see. There have been otters, turtles, coyotes, sea lions, beavers, deer, turkeys, birds of all types, and fascinating insects. Each year we follow our neighborhood Swainson's Hawks, which nest in the riparian forest along this stretch of the American River Parkway. Beyond observing and enjoying, FORB also acts as stewards of this part of the river.
All are welcome to join our gatherings. We generally meet each second Saturday at the Sutter's Landing Park parking lot. Sutter's Landing Park is at the VERY end of 28th Street by the skateboard park. For our schedule of events and more details, see the calendar. You can get on the FORB email list for periodic notices about our activities by sending your email address to Laurie. Note FORB has a twitter account for sharing information too. Be sure to check our blog reguarly for more insight on recent FORB events and other activities in the Parkway. Please leave your dogs at home and carpool/bike/walk if possible.
💥Check out this "Sutter's Landing Park Gateway to the American River" Video !. Truly a part of Sacramento's heart and soul. 9/19/18
⚡️NEW⚡️ Looking for a creative classroom or special project? Check out "Help FORB Walk on the Wildlife"!
Weed Warriors have made great progress in 2020 cleaning up invasive weeds and removing far too much trash and other wastes left behind. Please do your part to cleanup and consider joining a work group in 2021.
💥Workdays at Sutter's Landing Park were held often (with appropriate precautions) in 2020. Work focused on removing the weeds/grass from the restoration area (its looking much better!), and we are getting rid of the weeds at the entrance to the Parkway from Sutter's Landing Park where the rock and wire cage planters are. Other work included removing invasive star thistle, abandoned irrigation piping, trash and other waste and working with County rangers to focus on illegal activities damaging vegetation. Notices about future workdays are sent out by email and posted on the website.
Please wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt, as well as work gloves, closed toe shoes, and a hat. Don't forget the sunscreen, hand sanitizer and a mask. The Landscape Committee will have lots of water, tools, and landscape tarps. Feel free though, as several volunteers have done, to bring your favorite weed slayers!
Roots of Connection continues upstream river gatherings in 2021!
Roots of Connection successfully hosted 2nd Sunday Gatherings since 2017 building community and carrying momentum into the new year. This year, like FORB, these events were impacted by COVID-19. Thanks to those who participated for being a part of these community events! Hosted by Guy Galante who is especially excited about this year's gatherings. They will focus on different themes related to the Natural Cycle and Core Routines as outlined in his favorite book, Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature. As usual, people meet at the Harrington Access in the American River Parkway UPSTREAM from the restrooms, over the small hill. Fresh coffee will be available but please bring your own mug! Be sure and visit www.create-roc.com for additional details.
Donations welcome
Most of the time the people who lead FORB gatherings do it for free out of the kindness of their hearts. But even so FORB has expenses. The Raptor Center needs to feed their birds and so charges to come out and share with us. We also pay for insurance every year. So from now on we will be putting out a donation jar and hope that you will be generous.
Keep taking photos
Submissions contributed to “Picturing the Parkway: Celebrating the American River Parkway in Photographs,” an exhibit at Viewpoint Gallery. The show ran Sept 5–Oct 7, with submissions due May 1–July 29. Maybe this will come back in 2019?
Check out FORB's new iNaturalist webpage and add your observations with this free smartphone/computer software.
Wildlife Count Update
FORB participated in annual wildlife counts each December on the American River Parkway! You can read our report here on the FORB blog. Past wildlife count reports are available. We hope you are all well and able to join us next year to collect individual counts for each observed bird and mammal species. This work is an important contribution to scientists worldwide! For a successful event we must now begin organizing our teams and getting psyched for another chance to participate in local Citizen Science. FORB will continue to provide "Team Otter" and contribute to this important river wide count of wildlife in the lower American River Parkway. Let us know if you would like to participate it's not necessary to be a bird "expert" to help and have fun!
FORB Won a Creek Steward Award!!
We are very proud to announce that FORB was been chosen for the 2017 annual Creek Steward Award in recognition of our 11 years of working to cultivate appreciation of the treasure that is Sutter’s Landing Park and the American River. This was part of the Creek Week 2017 festivities. Many thanks to Alta Tura and the Sacramento Area Creeks Council for the award and for 27 years of putting on Creek Week.
Read the FORB Blog for reports on previous events.
Photos from a previous mushroom hunt (thanks, Robert & Kathy!):