American River Parkway Resources
Sutter’s Landing "Beach"/River (County) & Parking Lot (City) Contacts
This is your Parkway, the jewel of Sacramento. If off-leash dogs running through your picnic, trash, litter, broken glass, damaged trees, dog waste, graffiti, open fires, loud music, fireworks, speeding bicycles on quiet forest trails, and disruptive behavior make you feel unwelcome and unsafe, don’t put up with it. Speak up and protect it!
“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You may never know what results come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Links to Sacramento Co Park Rangers & Sheriffs, Sacramento Police & Services:
Sac Co 311 Connect Mobile App
To report Non-Emergencies in real time, Call the Sheriff’s Dept. 916-874-5115
Sac City 311 Smart Phone App
To report Non-Emergencies in real time, Call the Sac Police Dept. 916-808-5471
Use 911 for Emergencies
provided by: Friends of Sutter’s Landing Park
This is your Parkway, the jewel of Sacramento. If off-leash dogs running through your picnic, trash, litter, broken glass, damaged trees, dog waste, graffiti, open fires, loud music, fireworks, speeding bicycles on quiet forest trails, and disruptive behavior make you feel unwelcome and unsafe, don’t put up with it. Speak up and protect it!
“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You may never know what results come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Links to Sacramento Co Park Rangers & Sheriffs, Sacramento Police & Services:
Sac Co 311 Connect Mobile App
To report Non-Emergencies in real time, Call the Sheriff’s Dept. 916-874-5115
Sac City 311 Smart Phone App
To report Non-Emergencies in real time, Call the Sac Police Dept. 916-808-5471
Use 911 for Emergencies
provided by: Friends of Sutter’s Landing Park
Sacramento County Regional Parks (click on oak leaf to report an incident in the Parkway)