Stay tuned for future event announcements! No FORB events are currently scheduled. Volunteer program organizers welcome.
The FORB calendar will be updated here and on the Home page when new group activities are planned. Check the FORB calendar regularly and mark your calendars! Read about our previous great events on the FORB blog page. Sign up for email announcements of upcoming events.
💥SLP beautification work parties are scheduled periodically💥
Past FORB & related event examples:
🦢"Bufferlands --Highlights of Spring Migration", another virtual presentation. May 4th 6-7 PM. The Bufferlands is home to more than 240 species of birds. Contact Roger Jones, [email protected], for details.
🔍Nature is calling all California Families: CDFW Announce Nature Bowl 2021
🏞Consider some of these Family Fun Outdoor Challenge activities for March from Sac County Regional Parks.
🦉23rd Annual Great Backyard Bird Count begins Friday 14th through Monday February 17th. Fun, free way to tally birds in community and share data for conservation.
🦅Join naturalist Guy Galante, "Roots of Connection", for Second Sunday events. Physical distancing and safety measures required. Contact Guy for details.
💥FOSL held a volunteer work morning at the Sutter’s Landing Restoration site on Saturday, January 23rd. 9:00am to 11:30. More work parties soon,Tom ([email protected])
🦢Introduction to Bufferlands Birds, a virtual presentation. February 9th 6-7 PM. The Bufferlands is home to more than 240 species of birds. Contact Roger Jones, [email protected], for details.
🦉23rd Annual Great Backyard Bird Count begins Friday 14th through Monday February 17th. Fun, free way to tally birds in community and share data for conservation.
🦅Join naturalist Guy Galante, "Roots of Connection", on February 14th to learn Bird Language Skills. Physical distancing and safety measures required. Contact Guy for details.
FOSL held a volunteer work morning at the Sutter’s Landing Restoration site on Saturday, January 23rd. 9:00am to 11:30. More work parties soon,Tom ([email protected])
2020 Calendar
☕️January 1: New Year’s Day Gathering ✔️
🍄: (cancelled) February 8th Mushroom Hunt with Ryan LaPorte
🦉Feb 14-17 Join in the Great Backyard Bird Count at Sutter's Landing Park or Home!
🐾 (postponed) March 14: 10 AM Coexisting with Coyotes and Guy Galante
🦅(cancelled) FORB Welcomes back Swainson's hawks April 11th! (check out raptor cams here)
🦇May 9: Bats (cancelled)
NOTE: Due to COVID-19 our remaining schedule may need to be cancelled or moved to another format.
💥 🐾 June 18 6:30 PM: FORB virtual "Coexisting with Coyotes" Zoom event led by Guy Galante. Blog post/video
🚮 July 3rd and 4th FORB/FOSL Trash Cleanup (see blog post for details)
🦋July 11: Bugs (cancelled)
🦝August 8: Beavers (cancelled)
🚮 Labor Day Weekend Clean up Sept. 4th, 5th and 6th Please Sign Up to Help on one or more dates and times:
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to noon
noon to 2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to help take down canopy
Contact Betsy Weiland at [email protected] to sign up
🐉September 12: Dragons & Damsels ❓
🐟October 10: Welcome Back Salmon ❓
🌊November 14: Sea Lions (tentative)❓
🐾December: ARNHA Wildlife Count
2019 Calendar (we’re getting organized!)
☕️January 1: New Year’s Day Gathering ✔️
🍄February 9: Mushroom Hunt with Ryan LaPorte ✔️
Feb 15-18th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (
March 9: 🔎March 9: What are you noticing on the river banks? A guided walk of curiosity and adventure with Molly McBride✔️
🦅April 13: Return of the Swainson’s Hawks with The Raptor Center✔️
🦇May 11: Bats with JoEllen Arnold✔️
🌿June 8: Plants of Sutter’s Landing with Brian Collett✔️
🦋 July 13: Bugs with Nita Davidson 9:30 AM✔️
💥August 10: Effects of Climate Change on the River 10 AM and Star Thistle Removal Work Party 9 AM✔️
🎋August 17: Invasive Plant Removal Work Party 8-10 AM✔️
🌾August 31: Third Invasive Plant Work Party 8010 AM
🕰 September 7th Friends of Sutter's Landing Park Meeting 9 AM Gateway/Parking Lot
🐉* September 14: Dragons/Damsels (and Butterflies?) with Greg Kareofelas
🐟October 12: Welcome Back, Salmon
🦆* November 9: Audubon Bird Walk
🐾December 7: ARNHA Wildlife Count
2018 FORB Calendar
☕️ Jan 1 - ✔️ New Years Gathering
🍄 Feb 11 - ✔️Note Sunday & 10 AM! Going on a Mushroom Hunt, led by expert Ryan LaPorte again
📷 March 10 - ✔️Photographing the River. Learn about how to take great photos from local experts.
🦅 April 14 -✔️ Return of the Swainson's Hawk with the Raptor Center
🦇 May 12 - ✔️Bats! with JoEllen Arnold
🐾 June 9 - ✔️Coyotes with Guy Galante
🦋July 14 - ✔️Bugs bugs bugs with Nita Davidson
August 11 - ✔️Useful Plants with Brian Collett
🦇September 8 ✔️ (9 AM) Dragons and Damsels, Greg Kareofelas
🐟 October 13 - (10 AM) ✔️ Welcome Back, Salmon
🦆 Nov 3 - (8 AM) Sacramento Audubon birdwatching field trip at Sutter's Landing Park
💰Nov 8 Lower Am River Conservancy Advisory Comm Mtg 9-11 AM 700 H St, Suite 1450) Speak to "SLP" expansion
🐾 November 10 - Surprise! Enjoy beautiful fall day outdoors independently (no formal event)
🌿 POSTPONED DUE TO BAD AIR QUALITY Nov 17th❓ Assemblyman McCarty is hosting a celebration for the Lower American River Conservancy Saturday from 10 AM to Noon at Camp Pollock. For more information call 916-319-2007
🦅 December 1 - Participate in 34rd ARNHA annual Wildlife Count
We generally meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9 or 10 am (note there are exceptions so check the calendar), at Sutters Landing Park at the VERY end of 28th Street in Sacramento. Bring water and sunblock, and a change of clothes for young ones who are sure to get sandy, muddy, and wet. Children under 13 MUST wear life jackets if they go into the water, per law. We ask that you leave your dogs at home. Please bike, walk, or carpool if you can to keep our carbon footprint as small as possible. Contact Laurie to receive FORB email notices.
Directions: head north on 28th Street, cross C and then the railroad tracks. Continue to the last parking lot where the park abuts the American River Parkway.
FORB 2017 Calendar
Jan 1 - New Years Gathering
Feb 12 - Going on a Mushroom Hunt, led by expert Ryan LaPorte again (NOTE: Cancelled due to high river flows)
March 11 - Photographing the river. Learn about how to take great photos from local experts. This will also be an opportunity to get photos for the upcoming Picturing the Parkway, Celebrating the American River Parkway in Photographs exhibit coming up in September. Entry period May 1–July 29
April 8 - Return of the Swainson's Hawk with the Raptor Center
May 13 - Insects on the River with a gaggle of Entomologists
June 10 - Bird Language with Guy Galante
July 8 - Return of the Raptor Center
August 12 - Dragons and Damsels, Greg Kareofelas
September 16 - Bats! with JoEllen Arnold
October 14 - Welcome Back, Salmon
November 11 - Surprise! Enjoy beautiful fall day outdoors independently
December 2 - Participate in 33rd ARNHA annual Wildlife Count
Jan 1 2018 - New Years Gathering
Directions: head north on 28th Street, cross C and then the railroad tracks. Continue to the last parking lot where the park abuts the American River Parkway.
Sampling of Previous Gatherings:
Jan 1, 2015--Annual New Year's Gathering--saw a sea lion, beaver, and otter, as well as other species
Oct 11, 2014--Welcome Back, Salmon
Sept 13, 2014--Bats at Sutter's Landing
August 9, 2014--Dragons and Damsels
July 12, 2014--Birding the Banks
June 14, 2014--Native Peoples
May 10, 2014--Bugs from the River Banks
April 12, 2014--Return of the Swainson's Hawks
March 8, 2014--Fabulous Fungi
Jan 1, 2014--New Years Gathering
Oct 12, 2013 - Welcome Back Salmon
Sept 14, 2013 - Bats--JoEllen Arnold will introduce us to the local bats on Saturday, Sept 14. Meet at 6:30 pm at the little raised pavilion next to the skate park building for a presentation about the diversity of bats with photos as well as information on basic bat anatomy and interesting bat facts. There will be time for questions and comments before we head down to the river to listen for any bats that might be foraging. Remember to wear mosquito repellant and to bring a chair or blanket to sit on for the presentation, and a flashlight for later.
August 10, 2013 - Dragons and Damsels--Greg Kareofelas led us in a quest to look for the dragonflies and damselflies at Sutter's Landing. He brought live specimens of local dragons, and gave some great info about these insects. We found few dragonflies this year but there were a couple of the rare Sylurus olivaceus--a teneral (just emerged from the exuvia) and a larva. Very exciting day.
June 19, 2013 - "Future Planning and Development at Sutter's Landing Park" to be held on Wednesday, June 19, from 7-8:30 at the skateboard park at Sutter's Landing (next to the parking lot at the very end of 28th St). This is going to be a very significant meeting that may define the future of Sutter's Landing Park.
May 11, 2013 - Identify and Click - Robert Sewell and Jane Taylor led a walk to identify and photography the wildlife the abounds at Sutter's Landing.
April 13, 2013 - Return of the Swainson's Hawks - Another highly successful Swainson's Hawk event. Presentation with live birds from the Raptor Center and much more. We spotted 5 Swainson's Hawks that day.
Mar 9, 2013 - A Native Perspective on the River--Mary Krucik led us on a walk to understand how the Nisenan Indians who lived in this area perceived the river and all around it. We'll never look at the river in the same way.
Feb 9, 2013 - Mushroom Hunt - Ryan LaPorte led the group on a search for mushrooms. We found several types of fungi, learned a lot, and had a fun walk but due to lack of rain there weren't many mushrooms out (to be accurate, the fruiting bodies weren't out--the fungi were still happily in the ground). We'll try again in November or December.
January 1, 2013--Greet the New Year at the River--our 6th year!
October 13--Welcome Back, Salmon
September 15--American River Cleanup
August 11--Greg Kareofelas, dragonfly expert extraordinaire, passed around some dragonflies and released them as part of the introduction to the day. Then we went down to the river to look for dragonflies and damselflies. Amazing young net hunters in the group caught many interesting examples of dragonflies and damselflies, learned how to tell males from females, and shared their catches with others before releasing them. Another fabulous dragonfly day.
July 14, 2012 - Weed Warriors. Ken Myatt, master weed warrior for the American River Parkway, led us on a walk down to the river looking for invasive species. We saw some Red Sesbania with our binoculars across the river but nothing on our side at this time. The brochure below will help you identify this problem plant--and we will be on the lookout for it later in the year. We are considering a FORB project to remove yellow starthistle from the area above the main trail down to the river. This would take a concerted effort over many years but is quite doable. Removing invasive species is one way to make the river habitat healthier and more resilient.bring water.
May 12, 2012 - Hike up the Landfill Mound with City staff. (see blog post for more details).
May 10, 2012 - FORB had a table at the Crocker for a very fishy event.
April 14, 2012 - Return of the Swainson's Hawk. We had another large turnout to enjoy a presentation by the California Raptor Center with live Swainson's Hawks, then a nature walk along the river to see the tree where Swainson's Hawks have nested for three out of the last four years (there was no successful nesting last year but we were able to observe Swainson's Hawks apparently gathering nesting material at the last Return of the Swainson's Hawk gathering). The big question is: will the Swainson's Hawks put on a show for us like they did last year? This event is sponsored by Friends of the River Banks, Friends of the Swainson's Hawk, Sacramento Audubon Society, Save the American River Association, and the American River Parkway Foundation. There will be information booths and refreshments. Meet at Sutter's Landing Park parking lot (at the very end of 28th Street) at 9 am sharp. All ages are welcome For more information contact Jude Lamare or 916-447-4956.October 13--Welcome Back, Salmon
🍄 Feb 11 - ✔️Note Sunday & 10 AM! Going on a Mushroom Hunt, led by expert Ryan LaPorte again
📷 March 10 - ✔️Photographing the River. Learn about how to take great photos from local experts.
🦅 April 14 -✔️ Return of the Swainson's Hawk with the Raptor Center
🦇 May 12 - ✔️Bats! with JoEllen Arnold
🐾 June 9 - ✔️Coyotes with Guy Galante
🦋July 14 - ✔️Bugs bugs bugs with Nita Davidson
August 11 - ✔️Useful Plants with Brian Collett
🦇September 8 ✔️ (9 AM) Dragons and Damsels, Greg Kareofelas
🐟 October 13 - (10 AM) ✔️ Welcome Back, Salmon
🦆 Nov 3 - (8 AM) Sacramento Audubon birdwatching field trip at Sutter's Landing Park
💰Nov 8 Lower Am River Conservancy Advisory Comm Mtg 9-11 AM 700 H St, Suite 1450) Speak to "SLP" expansion
🐾 November 10 - Surprise! Enjoy beautiful fall day outdoors independently (no formal event)
🌿 POSTPONED DUE TO BAD AIR QUALITY Nov 17th❓ Assemblyman McCarty is hosting a celebration for the Lower American River Conservancy Saturday from 10 AM to Noon at Camp Pollock. For more information call 916-319-2007
🦅 December 1 - Participate in 34rd ARNHA annual Wildlife Count
We generally meet on the second Saturday of each month at 9 or 10 am (note there are exceptions so check the calendar), at Sutters Landing Park at the VERY end of 28th Street in Sacramento. Bring water and sunblock, and a change of clothes for young ones who are sure to get sandy, muddy, and wet. Children under 13 MUST wear life jackets if they go into the water, per law. We ask that you leave your dogs at home. Please bike, walk, or carpool if you can to keep our carbon footprint as small as possible. Contact Laurie to receive FORB email notices.
Directions: head north on 28th Street, cross C and then the railroad tracks. Continue to the last parking lot where the park abuts the American River Parkway.
FORB 2017 Calendar
Jan 1 - New Years Gathering
Feb 12 - Going on a Mushroom Hunt, led by expert Ryan LaPorte again (NOTE: Cancelled due to high river flows)
March 11 - Photographing the river. Learn about how to take great photos from local experts. This will also be an opportunity to get photos for the upcoming Picturing the Parkway, Celebrating the American River Parkway in Photographs exhibit coming up in September. Entry period May 1–July 29
April 8 - Return of the Swainson's Hawk with the Raptor Center
May 13 - Insects on the River with a gaggle of Entomologists
June 10 - Bird Language with Guy Galante
July 8 - Return of the Raptor Center
August 12 - Dragons and Damsels, Greg Kareofelas
September 16 - Bats! with JoEllen Arnold
October 14 - Welcome Back, Salmon
November 11 - Surprise! Enjoy beautiful fall day outdoors independently
December 2 - Participate in 33rd ARNHA annual Wildlife Count
Jan 1 2018 - New Years Gathering
Directions: head north on 28th Street, cross C and then the railroad tracks. Continue to the last parking lot where the park abuts the American River Parkway.
Sampling of Previous Gatherings:
Jan 1, 2015--Annual New Year's Gathering--saw a sea lion, beaver, and otter, as well as other species
Oct 11, 2014--Welcome Back, Salmon
Sept 13, 2014--Bats at Sutter's Landing
August 9, 2014--Dragons and Damsels
July 12, 2014--Birding the Banks
June 14, 2014--Native Peoples
May 10, 2014--Bugs from the River Banks
April 12, 2014--Return of the Swainson's Hawks
March 8, 2014--Fabulous Fungi
Jan 1, 2014--New Years Gathering
Oct 12, 2013 - Welcome Back Salmon
Sept 14, 2013 - Bats--JoEllen Arnold will introduce us to the local bats on Saturday, Sept 14. Meet at 6:30 pm at the little raised pavilion next to the skate park building for a presentation about the diversity of bats with photos as well as information on basic bat anatomy and interesting bat facts. There will be time for questions and comments before we head down to the river to listen for any bats that might be foraging. Remember to wear mosquito repellant and to bring a chair or blanket to sit on for the presentation, and a flashlight for later.
August 10, 2013 - Dragons and Damsels--Greg Kareofelas led us in a quest to look for the dragonflies and damselflies at Sutter's Landing. He brought live specimens of local dragons, and gave some great info about these insects. We found few dragonflies this year but there were a couple of the rare Sylurus olivaceus--a teneral (just emerged from the exuvia) and a larva. Very exciting day.
June 19, 2013 - "Future Planning and Development at Sutter's Landing Park" to be held on Wednesday, June 19, from 7-8:30 at the skateboard park at Sutter's Landing (next to the parking lot at the very end of 28th St). This is going to be a very significant meeting that may define the future of Sutter's Landing Park.
May 11, 2013 - Identify and Click - Robert Sewell and Jane Taylor led a walk to identify and photography the wildlife the abounds at Sutter's Landing.
April 13, 2013 - Return of the Swainson's Hawks - Another highly successful Swainson's Hawk event. Presentation with live birds from the Raptor Center and much more. We spotted 5 Swainson's Hawks that day.
Mar 9, 2013 - A Native Perspective on the River--Mary Krucik led us on a walk to understand how the Nisenan Indians who lived in this area perceived the river and all around it. We'll never look at the river in the same way.
Feb 9, 2013 - Mushroom Hunt - Ryan LaPorte led the group on a search for mushrooms. We found several types of fungi, learned a lot, and had a fun walk but due to lack of rain there weren't many mushrooms out (to be accurate, the fruiting bodies weren't out--the fungi were still happily in the ground). We'll try again in November or December.
January 1, 2013--Greet the New Year at the River--our 6th year!
October 13--Welcome Back, Salmon
September 15--American River Cleanup
August 11--Greg Kareofelas, dragonfly expert extraordinaire, passed around some dragonflies and released them as part of the introduction to the day. Then we went down to the river to look for dragonflies and damselflies. Amazing young net hunters in the group caught many interesting examples of dragonflies and damselflies, learned how to tell males from females, and shared their catches with others before releasing them. Another fabulous dragonfly day.
July 14, 2012 - Weed Warriors. Ken Myatt, master weed warrior for the American River Parkway, led us on a walk down to the river looking for invasive species. We saw some Red Sesbania with our binoculars across the river but nothing on our side at this time. The brochure below will help you identify this problem plant--and we will be on the lookout for it later in the year. We are considering a FORB project to remove yellow starthistle from the area above the main trail down to the river. This would take a concerted effort over many years but is quite doable. Removing invasive species is one way to make the river habitat healthier and more resilient.bring water.
May 12, 2012 - Hike up the Landfill Mound with City staff. (see blog post for more details).
May 10, 2012 - FORB had a table at the Crocker for a very fishy event.
April 14, 2012 - Return of the Swainson's Hawk. We had another large turnout to enjoy a presentation by the California Raptor Center with live Swainson's Hawks, then a nature walk along the river to see the tree where Swainson's Hawks have nested for three out of the last four years (there was no successful nesting last year but we were able to observe Swainson's Hawks apparently gathering nesting material at the last Return of the Swainson's Hawk gathering). The big question is: will the Swainson's Hawks put on a show for us like they did last year? This event is sponsored by Friends of the River Banks, Friends of the Swainson's Hawk, Sacramento Audubon Society, Save the American River Association, and the American River Parkway Foundation. There will be information booths and refreshments. Meet at Sutter's Landing Park parking lot (at the very end of 28th Street) at 9 am sharp. All ages are welcome For more information contact Jude Lamare or 916-447-4956.October 13--Welcome Back, Salmon